Created a Menu Using Python integrating all the concepts that have been taught by Vimal Daga sir till now in the ARTH program.
We created a menu driven program with the help of python language over the base operating system — Rhel8
Firstly we ask from the user if he want to go for remote login or the local login then in the menu we provided various types of choices to the user so that he can configure the given in a small amount of time by just selection the choice number listed on the screen.
The choices that we configured are :
→The client for Hadoop
→Name Node for Hadoop
→Data Node for Hadoop
→Launching AWS instances
→Attaching an EBS volume
→Prediction of salary of an employee by Linear Regression
→Graph of salary prediction
→Web server
→Web server using ansible
→LVM partition
Here we have the first page or the choices screen that will be shown to the user : —

Here we have the web server configuration screen that will automatically open the browser by extracting the IP of the base OS and will search the web page automatically : —

As represented by the image clearly,we have predicted the salary of an employee with a graph with the help of Linear regression in Machine Learning : —

We calculated the estimated salary of the employee and also the bias and weight of the model : —

Here we the LVM partition images which made it clear by the output of the program : —

These were the images of some outputs shown in the Blog.
Special thanks to my lovely and very helpful team that worked very hard to complete this task.
Thank you 🙏